Introduction and Index


The purpose of this document is to provide IT Administrators with opinionated but flexible directions for implementing and operating the Netmaker platform.

The goal is to provide you with a complete walkthrough from start to finish, presenting you with configuration options and guidance at each stage, so that by the end of this guide, you have the exact network setup and configuration that is desirable for your organization and networking scenario.

This guide will walk you through:

  • Deploying and configuring the coordination server (Netmaker)

  • Planning and creating your networks (VPNs)

  • Deploying your endpoints (Hosts, Clients, WireGuard Config Files)

  • Configuring Traffic (Gateways, Egress, Relays)

  • Onboarding and managing users (Remote Access)

We encourage you to skip around this guide depending on your stage of implementation and needs, or to go through the guide in its entirety to get a complete picture.


Networking Scenarios, VPN Types, and Terminology

Overview of networking scenarios we’ll be covering throughout the guide

Netmaker Components

Overview of features and terminology within Netmaker

Netmaker Server Deployment

Planning and deploying your coordination server

Network Setup

Planning and deploying your VPN network(s)

Planning Your Endpoints

Planning your Endpoint deployment strategy and choosing the appropriate features to use

Deploying the Netclient

Adding endpoints to your network via agent (Netclient)

Giving the Netclient Networking Functions

Configuring agent-based endpoints as gateways and more, to match your network scenario

Deploying Static WireGuard

Configuring and adding endpoints to your network with static (agentless) WireGuard config files

Site-to-Site and Routers

Configuring Sites to communicate using the Netmaker VPN

Granting Access to Your VPN

Onboarding, grouping, and configuring permissions for users

Accessing the VPN as an End User

How users access the Netmaker VPN


Troubleshooting a lack of connectivity in a variety of scenarios

Monitoring your Network

Monitoring your network traffic

Next StepsCopied!

In the next section, we’ll cover the high-level networking scenarios and terminology we’ll employ throughout the guide.