0. Overview

Concepts for Setting Up Netmaker


Setting up networks in Netmaker consists of 4 stages:

  1. Create Networks

  2. Add Non-User Devices to Networks

  3. Configure Traffic Flow

  4. Grant User Access

Create NetworksCopied!

Networks are your VPNs. They are meant to separate different environments, scenarios, customers, or other use cases, and keep traffic segmented. You can define any number of distinct networks in Netmaker for any number of use cases.

Add Non-User DevicesCopied!

Non-User Devices are the endpoints of your network. These are devices that:

  • users will need to access

  • need to access each other

  • Route traffic into, out of, or between endpoints in the VPN

Each receives a virtual address within the network

Configure Traffic FlowCopied!

After adding devices, you can determine how traffic routes between and through devices in the network. You can set up:

  • Gateways into the network for users

  • ACLs and Relays between devices of the network

  • Gateways out of the network, to the internet or local networks

  • Site-to-Site access

Grant User AccessCopied!

After you’ve set up your network, you can invite users, add them to groups, and set their network access permissions, allowing them to remotely access the network.

What’s Next?Copied!

We’ll walk through setting up each of these, starting with networks.