User Management

User ManagementCopied!

Superadmin Signup

When you start Netmaker for the first time, you will be prompted to create a superadmin account from the UI like below

sign up

Input your username and a super memorable but strong password then click on the Sign up button. Once you’ve signed up, you can login to your Netmaker server with the account.

log in

Another user type that exists in netmaker CE is “admin“. A user with admin role has equal capabilities as the superadmin, except the creation of other admins and transfering super-admin priviledges.

Users in Netmaker ProfessionalCopied!

Since v0.25.0, Netmaker Professional offers a more capable user management feature. Server administrators can create different kinds of users (admins, platform users and service users) and group them for easier management. Resource permissioning is now supported by means of network roles; admins can create different type of network roles and assign them to platform or service users, giving them the permission to view, connect to, or fully manage resources in a network.

Check the “Users in Netmaker Professional“ section for more information

User Management (Pro)

Using the Remote Access Client (RAC)Copied!

Once a user has been attached to a remote access gateway, they can connect to a network using the remote access client. To do this, they will first need to log in using the credentials that were provided to them. Social login is also supported.

Remote access login

After successful login you will be shown all the networks and gateways you have given access to, so now you will be able to connect/disconnect/refresh your connection to a gateway. Internet gateways are depicted with a globe icon. An internet gateway can be used to route all your traffic through the gateway, this is useful if you want to access the internet without exposing your public IP address. This behaves like a traditional VPN.

Connect and disconnect

The remote access client also has the following options:

  • Refresh connection: This basically disconnects the current connection to the remote access gateway and then reconnects to it.

  • Reload clients: This reloads the client data on the page, which can be useful if the data has changed since the page was last loaded.

Reload clients
  • Reset: This resets all connections to remote access gateways across all Netmaker servers and networks known to the client. This can be useful if you end up with a bad wireguard or network interface configuration or are having trouble connecting to a gateway. you should only use this option if Refresh connection does not work.

Using Netmaker like a traditional VPNCopied!

Some remote access gateways, specifically internet gateways (depicted by globe icon) can route all your traffic through the them. This can be useful if you want to access the internet without exposing your public IP address. This behaves like a traditional VPN. Internet gateways is a Pro-only feature.

Controlling RAC user sessionsCopied!

On pro servers/tenants, the duration of a non-admin user’s remote session can be controlled. This can be done by setting RAC_AUTO_DISABLE (to true) and JWT_VALIDITY_DURATION (to an integer in seconds) environment variables on the server.

With RAC_AUTO_DISABLE set to true, a non-admin user’s remote sessions will be disabled after the duration specified in JWT_VALIDITY_DURATION has elapsed. The user will have to relogin to enable their remote session again.

NOTE: The JWT_VALIDITY_DURATION environment variable also configures all the JWT token validity duration for all users, regardless of whether RAC_AUTO_DISABLE is set to true or not.

(Re)Starting the service/daemon processCopied!

On very few occasion, the RAC daemon may not be running and will need to be restarted manually. There are two ways to resolve this:

  1. Restart the computer. The daemon starts automatically on boot so restarting the computer will start the daemon on next startup.

  2. Manual restart. The exact procedure depends on your operating system.

Manual daemon restart on Windows

  1. Open Task Manager.

  2. Go to the “Services” tab.

  3. Look for the “remote-client” service.

  4. Right-click on the service and select “Restart” or “Start”.

Manual daemon restart on Linux

On Linux, RAC daemon relies on systemd to manage the service. You can restart the service using the following command:

sudo systemctl restart remote-client

Manual daemon restart on Mac

On Mac, RAC daemon relies on launchd to manage the service. You can restart the service using the following command:

sudo launchctl stop com.netmaker.remote-client
sudo launchctl start com.netmaker.remote-client

FAQs and Known IssuesCopied!

Q: I am getting an error when trying to connect to a gateway.

A: Make sure that the gateway is running healthily and that you have access to it. Also try to “Refresh” and see if that fixes the issue. Otherwise “Reset” all connections and try again.

Q: Other WireGuard-based VPNs interfere with Netmaker RAC.

A: This is a known issue. If you have other WireGuard-based VPNs running on your machine, they may interfere with Netmaker RAC. You can try to disable them and see if that fixes the issue. Pro-tip: Netmaker Pro offers internet gateway functionality, so you can use it just as a traditional VPN. For more information, explore the Remote Access gateway feature.