Analytics (Pro)
Netmaker Pro offers analytics. With Analytics, admin users can view connectivity, latency and data transferred between two peers or nodes on a Netmaker network. Client analyticsare also available. All of this data may be visualised in the Netmaker UI. In addition, Netmaker has included a custom exporter for Prometheus/Grafana integration to view the data as well.
Below are the steps in order to view Analyticson your Netmaker Pro instance.
NOTE: Metrics currently relies on ICMP to be allowed between nodes.
Network metrics can be viewed under in Analytics interface of your network.
Viewing DetailsCopied!
To view the metrics in the Netmaker Dashboard, select a network, then click the Analytics interface. From here, you can switch to any metric you are interested in, including metrics from clients.
NOTE: Metrics may take up to 5 minutes for nodes to report data.
Grafana DashboardCopied!
If your Netmaker instance includes the Prometheus/Grafana setup and is configured with the METRICS_EXPORTER=”on”, you can also view your metrics via Grafana. Simply navigate to the dashboards section of your Grafana instance. .. code-block:
URL: "https://grafana.<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>"
Username: "admin"
Password: "admin"
There, you will be presented with two out-of-the-box Netmaker options of the following: - Netmaker Metrics Dashboard - Netmaker Network Graph

First try viewing the Netmaker Metrics Dashboard. This view will give you the option to select and view data on individual nodes in your Netmaker network.

Then try out the Netmaker Network Graph view. This graph gives a Network graph, in which the user may hover individual nodes to see statistics of that node. Or hover an edge to view information about the connection between two nodes. The node edges will vary depending on connection status (green for connected or red for disconnected).

Also you can view your metrics on prometheus dashboard, for the first time you will be prompted for credentials in your brower when you visit your prometheus dashboard. .. code-block:
URL: "https://prometheus.<YOUR_DOMAIN_NAME>"
Username: "Netmaker-Prometheus"
Password: "<YOUR_LICENSE_KEY>"